Monday, August 07, 2006

The First Annual Stormy Awards

Ahhh....nothing like a good old-fashioned laugh to get the blood pumping again. If any of you are in need of a good laugh, here it is:

I bring you, the First Annual Stormy Awards. Over the course of the season, the Storm have been making their players act out movie roles to play during time outs. The audience had to guess which movie they came from. Now, they've compiled all of these clips and give us the chance to vote for our favorite actress. This is really fun stuff too. It makes me love the players even more with their ability to "get into their roles." Hehe....or not for that matter. So go watch it for yourself and vote for your favorite.

I'm going to do my own little friendly critique here.

Izi and Wendy--A Few Good Men

This is pretty darn cool because I caught this at the Minnesota game when I was in Seattle. I loved it then and I love it now. Izi is absolutely priceless in this clip. She looked so darn serious, it was amazing. I'm convinced she had to internalize before filming that thing. I mean, I hardly see Izi without a smile and here she is getting so uppity and mad. Heh....classic. Wendy is the perfect compliment here and she pulled it off pretty well too. She seemed too smiley though, but really, how can you not smile while delivering such lines? But props go to both women here. This was the first Storm movie magic I saw and I fell in love with it. I'm so glad all of them are online so I can see them.

Sue Bird--Princess Bride

This clip is hilarious. Sue Bird gives it complete with the accent and everything. Sadly, I haven't seen this movie so I can't really compare. Haha. I am however, a bit biased in this situation. Of course a Sue Bird clip would grab me. So before I automatically clicked vote, I decided to check the others out first. Seriously, though, Sue totally got into this role and she managed to look serious about what she was doing and totally goofy at the same time.

Lauren Jackson--A League of Their Own

So our Aussie superstar gets to do a clip on baseball, which I'm pretty sure isn't very big Down Under. This has my vote for the funniest movie clip in the bunch. In fact, it has my vote for the funniest thing I've seen in quite a while. Yes, I know LJ is quite obviously cracking up when she says "there's no crying in baseball", which isn't exactly the greatest characterization out there. But the facial expression she is trying to keep on and the urgency with which she said her lines were incredible. When LJ first came to Seattle, she was just extremely shy and quiet. I love seeing her doing things like this now.

Betty Lennox--Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Betty seems to have the shortest part here, which kinda sucks for her. She doesn't get to show the depth of her acting skills (hehe). She did it really well, though. I think it was an excellent portrayal. The one thing going against Betty here is that it sounds like her in real life. I mean, I can imagine her saying stuff like that in that way. She's acting here, but I don't think it was too far from her personality. Now, if you'd shown me a Betty that is bawling her eyes out and being dramatic, then I'd be impressed. All I can see now is Betty looking just like Betty. Good acting, but they should have gotten her a part so shocking and so unlike her to get my vote.

Tanisha Wright--Forrest Gump

I love Forrest Gump. In fact, it used to be my favorite movie. Tanisha does an impressive job trying to copy Gump's voice. I heard the drawl in the end and everything. The only bad thing about this clip is that it lacked the "funny" factor. The Izi and Wendy, Sue and Lauren clips were all hilarious. While T had done a great job with what she was given, it just isn't as funny as it needed to be. You have to get a part that will grab people's attention and make them smile. In fact, you guys should have given this part to Betty and the Ace Ventura part to T. I would have loved to see T saying "aaalll righty then!" and Betty try to be all dramatic with this part. That would have been more attention grabbing.

Janell Burse--Snow White

Perfect role for JB. Ha, I have to congratulate the people at the Storm organization. While she might have had the same problem as Betty (too much like her real persona), it still worked out better. That's probably because I could never imagine JB talking to a mirror anyway. She sounded different, which is excellent. This means that she just didn't spout the lines off. I actually thought it was a pretty darn good acting job. However, as I've said earlier, I'm partial to funny clips...clips that made me giggle. This one made me smile and give a little "hehe", but it didn't make me bust out.

In the end, I love what the Storm office has done with this. I've seen fans of other teams vote on these and I just think its a fantastic idea. It's fun and it shows our players doing goofy things. It's a fun site after seeing them battle on the court night in and night out with their game faces on. Thank you, once again, to the Storm organization for making this the best team to cheer for.


And congratulations to whoever wins the Stormy Awards. (I've always thought Stormy should be spelled Stormie...I don't know...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found the "A Few Good Men" one really funny. :D