Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Shitty schedule

I got into most of the classes I wanted, but there were still some that totally pissed me off considering how "prepared" i was from the beginning. First, the economics class I wanted to take sooo badly was closed. It didn't even have a waiting list, so I had to back out of that plan. Instead of that, I decided to take another class that was on my backup list that didn't conflict with anything and that was open (Because I had another class on waiting list). I ended up with....anthropology. Hello?? What on earth was I thinking?? Anthropology?? Ugh.

Good news is that i got into my prerequisite POL103, which I guess is the most important one anyway. And I also got into the english class that i wanted and the first year seminar I wanted. It's entitled "Machiavelli and the Power Game". Now THAT should be a blast.

On the other hand, I'm wait listed for this 200-level POLSCI course that I want to take now so that I'll be more flexible in my future years as to what POLSCI courses I can take. This was the only other class without a prerequisite of one polsci credit. Unfortunately, I'm number 11 and 17 respectively for two sections of the class.

I have one class every frigging day (all anthropology's fault), which means I drag my butt out of bed every morning for a two hour class and then I just go home. Sigh. I'm hoping I get into the Thursday class of POL200 so I have Wednesday completely off.

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